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Mary Magdalene Healing Codes Transmission + The Rose Lineage

Writer's picture: Jennifer Ashira RaJennifer Ashira Ra

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

The Feast Day of Mary Magdalene . The Day for Her Divine Transmission of New Crystal Healing Codes . Sharing Her Sacred Royal Journey . Love + Union The Secrets held through the Ages in the walls of European Temples, Ancient Churches, Caves + within your sacred heart. Within the hearts of Humanity. The New Crystalline Rose Codes. Receive the Healing transmission below and more about her sacred message, the Cathors and the Merovingian Royal line . Mary Magdalene Feast Day --July 22nd. The day to Celebrate the Divine Feminine within you and the Time for Full Healing of all Separation This is the day Re-Activating Your Oneness + Union The Pure Connection to Source. Love. Union. Her Energy Invites You to Open. Falling in Love Again with all your Emotions , Your Body + Your Sexuality The Path of the New Divine Feminine. As you continue + read these words - they are encoded to ignite within you: Deep Soul Healing, Awakening, Knowing + The New Crystal Light Codes . All will be unique. This is Mary Magdalenes Gift + Light Transmission to you beloved . and so we begin....

The Rose Lineage The Rose , the highest frequency flower on Earth. Throughout time The Rose has been linked closely to Mary Magdalene The Rose embodies the universal energy codes of Love + Union. Love is the Alchemical energy created when. you were at one with Source + then became an individual reflection of source. A Soul - your eternal soul- This Divine alchemical transformation creates the energy of Love. This is why Love is the highest form of energy in the universe. Love was then seeded into the Rose flower - a mystery hidden in plain sight. To hold the frequency - reminding us of our Divine Union. Your truest connection to Source. This is the message sent down through the sacred lineages from the beginning of all time. Passed down from Cosmic and the High Realms of Light through Lemuria,

Early Atlantis, Temple of Isis, Avalon the Essenes and

embodied by Yeshua and Magdalene...

The Red Rose of the Magdalene - Divine Feminine Christ.

And the White Rose of Yeshua -of the Divine Masculine Christ. The Rose Order, the Rose Lineage is pure Love + Union. The name also known as Source .

Rose Lineage = Union Lineage for all beings on Earth The Rose Order, the Rose Lineage is embodied pure Love + Union.

The Simple message taught by Yeshua and carried on by Magdalene. All is Oneness and Wholeness . A Divine Lineage of Union. Including all the Gods + Goddesses - all the Lineages Celtic, Egyptian, Sumerian, Nordic, Mayan , Hindu... All are beautiful unique facets of the One + Union . All are the Lineage of Union. All are Source. The Rose Lineage is also the Lineage Gateway of Healing all wounds. Priestesses of the Rose Lineage carry on this sacred line. Through their Temple healing practices of the Body, the Emotions and Sexuality .

The Sacred Temple Arts of the Magdalene Temples.

The Rose Line is the embodied healing gateway for you to fully remember and heal.

With the Rose as its Symbol. And to pass through on your journey to Oneness. Your Inner sacred Union with Source. ENJOY THE HEALING TRANSMISSION Close Your Eyes and take a few deep breathes to center. Mary Magdalene is with you.

MARY MAGDALENES LIGHT TRANSMISSION OF HEALING ................. FOR YOU BELOVED Mary Magdalene is with you now. The battles + wars fought over The Rose Line throughout time are many . Persecuting + Suppressing Your Feminine power and voice. The golden Crystalline Rose Heart of Mary Magdalene Opens now in a thousand rose petals of Love . Pouring over you and all around you now. Feel her now. All Wounds are being healed now. Feel this Beloved - within you. Mary Magdalenes deepest healing pure light + love. Her healing arms holding you + supporting you now. Healing any + all woundings, pain + suffering. Here + Now. On all planes , levels + dimensions. She asks you to open now and know she is taking it all. As it merges within her sacred heart of the Crystalline Rose of Union. The heavy torch you have been carrying for thousands of years. Now to fully iet it go + lay it all at her feet . The pure Light Healing of God/Goddess. Let it burn away + dissolve now in the eternal flame of transcendence. and pure Rose Crystalline Light. All that you have felt you must carry.... Let it Go Let it Go. You are safe You are safe Allow the healing to come within you now. The Rose Crystalline of the Magdal Energy - the blooming Divine Source Light The Pure Divine Essence of Christ. The Divine Feminine Christ IS within you . Feel within your deepest sacred heart. Allow Allow. She beckons you to come towards her - her dearest sister+ beloved. The Divine Feminine Christed Light Embodied by Mary Magdalene- the Royal line of Isis . Sun Tribe. The luminous Golden Energy of All . within you now. Feel this . Mother Mary is here holding you . The Golden Crystalline Chain of Queens. All are coming forward now - to unlock + heal all within the sisterhood. The Creation Codes of Golden Light igniting now within your cells. Within your sacred crystalline heart. Mary Magdalene's gift to you today Beloved- on her Feast Day. Feel the opening now . all is dissolving that yiu no longer need to carry . All burdens + pain lifted. Through me + through these words - It is Done ! The gift she is giving to You Beloved Right Here + Right Now. And So it is . As we walk into the New Age + Co-create the Re-birth of The New Golden Age for all beings. Mary's message of Christ --- is Love . You are Love. The New + Ancient Codes opening Now. the Double Goddess portals of Divine Union opening now . The Crystalline Temple within you . Opening + Re-Activating . And so it is . - Mary Magdalene The Golden Portal of New Beginnings The Portal of New Beginnings You now enter into the New Crystalline opening. The New Earth Energies + Codes are streaming in with this Full Moon building up through the Galactic New Year on July 26. The New Energies will Peak on the 8:8 Lions Gate Portal of Augiust 8, 2021. Magdalene Feast Day July 22 + the Galactic New Year July 26. The Double Goddess Portal of the New Age , The New ways. The Return of the Divine Sacred Feminine of Magdalenes Royal Lineage. The Magdalene -Isis Lineage of Union. The Galactic New Year is the Cosmic New Cycle beginning. When the New 2021 Energies open + stream in - . Opening the New ways + light Codes we will walk through. The Magdalene Feast Day - began with the Cathars in Europe. The devoted community spreading the true Christed Teachings Mary shared. When Mary Magdalene + her family landed in Southwest France after the crucifixion . She began to teach + heal with the Christed message of Love on her own. She was + is the co-atomic Christed partner of Yeshua. High Priestess of Isis and the ways of the Essenes in her own right. Able to embody Resurrection + miraclulous energy transmissions.

the Divine Feminine Christ. She was the one Yeshua asked to continue his teachings . She was the only one who knew ALL the wisdoms. The simple truths that you are one with God and to love yourself + one another's yourself. The Cathars teachings are her + Yeshuas pure direct lineage , The Cathars had many female leaders + carried on this way until that were brutally extinguished by the Churchin the 13th century. They would recite the Lords Prayer + embody it . The simplest of ways as Mary + Yeshua had both taught and shared together. They taught of Sacred Union + sensuality. The truths of being human + the path of Union. The Cathars celebrated Magdalene Feast Day every year on July 22. In honor to Mary who was the true teachings. And so we continue the honoring of her into today. The Grail En-Coded within her became the Royal Line of France called the Merovingians. There were Merovingian Kings + Queens . "Mero"- root Mari. Mari meant Priestess in the ancient lands of Mesopotamia + the Holy Land. There were Merovingian Convents. Where Practices of Fertility + a woman's blood were honored and sacred. . The Sacred Feminine , the Goddess was preserved + honored for a thousand years. The Fleur De Lis - The Royal Symbol of France and many Royal families on Earth. Is the Trinity. The Holy Grail.

The Lotus. The Divine sacred union of man - woman + god. The Symbol of being Annointed by the Divine. As one with Source of Original Union. Mary Magdalene , Yeshua + their child are the Fleur de Lis. The root of their Royal Lineage is The Magdalene Yeshua bloodline. The Holy Grail is multi-dimensional . And even more- we are Now the Grail. As we awaken + honor the sacred Codes of Love + Union. And walk this Sacred Rose Magdalene Path The Way + Path that was seeded on Earth by Mary + Yeshua 2000 years ago .

The prophecy that Magdalene Returns as 10,000 Not only 1.

We are the New Magdalenes Returning and Rememnbering.

The Sectets of the Rose Lineage from the beginning of time.

And with all that history + secrets are just a part the Mary Magdalenes journey. Leads us to present day.... And my own path a few years ago lead me to a secret Chapel in Paris, France a few years ago. I was traveling abroad with a Magdalene Sister - we were told about the Chapel next to the Louvre in Paris . The Chapel of the Queens. Where the Queens of France would go to pray to the Goddess. The Divine Feminine was preserved + deeply held lineage of the French Court. They knew the secrets and honored Mary Magdalene the anointed one ,

The apostle of apostles. Holder of the Rose Grail Codes + the Goddess Queen . The carrier of the true teachings of Yeshua and the Divine. In this Church to the right when you walk in is the sacred chapel. to Mary Magdalene The Church is now called St. Georges l'Auxerrois. In this chapel are images of Mary Magdalene, Roses, Divine Union, statues , Stained Glass + Art. Like no other chapel in Paris - where most are all male dominated. Here is Mary Magdalene at the entrance of this secret Chapel of the French Queens .

Below image is a Stained Glass Window in this Chapel of the French Queens - dedicated to Mary Magdalene . The chapel has so many windows + symbols of the Rose + Mary. It is so beautiful .

You can feel her presence still. And sitting in this sacred church , with my Magdalene sister that day in Paris, A flame lit up within my chest and over took my body it kept growing + growing . The flame of the Magadalene- resurrecting within me. Making herself known to me. Right there in this sacred chapel activated with the prayers + reverence of hundreds of years . Beloved Mary Magdalene - her love and her wisdoms. As my dear sister sitting with me, looking on with care -as I immersed in the flame of the Magdalene . The Rose Lineage of Union. the fire of Awakening , of Passion + Pure Ressurection. All are opening again within the sisterhood + brotherhood of New Earth. All - the New Divine Feminine Codes are re-igniting within you . Within Gaia. Feel this within . On her Feast Day or any day you are eating this . What Does the Magdalene Energy feel like within you ? How is she connecting to you ?

The Ancient Golden Magdalene Leyline We will be continuing in the New Golden Energies of the New Divine Feminine on Earth. The Double Goddess Portal + from all the new beginnings and purging of the recent Eclipse energies. As we celebrate Mary Magdalene and her Love rising now within each of us . The 10, 000 Magdalenes Returing and Riosing .

Carrying her pure message of Love. The ancient golden leyline opening on the New Golden Earth. The Next Golden Quantum leap of the Royal Magdalene line will be activating this year . when the New Golden Temple of Light opens the New Golden Age on Earth. Join with us in the Temple for


The Mary Magdalene + Hathor

Golden High Priestess Codes Illumination

6 Week Activation Immersion

Begins OCT 1, 2022

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