sacred priestess
private codes initiation + activation ceremony
Beloved Sister
You are walking the Priestess, Goddess, Divine Feminine Path, and you can feel your souls next level &
sacred lineage calling you.
You Remember that feeling deep within you.
There is more you hold & more that you are.
This is the sign from Source
that you are Awakening a higher level of yourself,
Your Sacred Soul Lineage.
Your Divine Essence Rising.
The Sacred Soul Codes from your Souls divine lineage
Egyptian Lineage, Lemurian. Rose Lineage, Atlantis, Babylon, Grail lineage, Avalon, Galactic
and so many more....
I experienced this too in 2018,
in a small Church in Paris, where the Queens of France would worship.
I saw and felt the flame of Mary Magdalene come to me, burning within me.
Opening me.
And in California & Bali in 2019,
with the Golden Suntribe, the high golden beings of light
that we know as the Egyptian Neteru, Ra, Isis, Osiris, Hathor, Horus, Sekhmet ...​
I was shown, they are my family.
You may feel a resonance with my story,
and your own soul lineage openings.
Maybe even more magical,
you have yet to.
IMAGINE what you Life Would be Like if You Could.....
Make more sense of all the new incoming Energies
Connect more fully with the Goddesses + Ascended Masters
Access higher level Intuitive Guidance & Activate your Soul Codes
Be Initiated into the High Soul Lineage you hold
Embody your sacred codes & fulfill your Soul Mission
Be of Service and impact the World in a bigger way
Have Certainty about who You Are & Your Purpose
This is All Possible
when you Initiate + Activate
Your Soul Codes Sacred Lineage.
I help Woman & Leaders unlock their next level of greatness,
by activating their Soul Codes to embody their highest destiny and purpose.
Why Are You Here Now on Earth?
Maybe it is time to be initiated into your lineage and truly know.
To Walk with Certainty, Clarity and Confidence.
The call to step higher and deeper onto your path is a great honor.
I invite you to Remember again who you truly are.
To enter the Temple of the Ages.
And unlock & embody your Soul Codes again.

Hear what our Community is saying...

" I am so grateful! For my healing session with with Jennifer. She is such a beacon of Light. She has so much profound wisdom in accessing the dimensions, lifetimes and timelines. Atlantis, Lemuria, Mary Magdalene and all of the ancient wisdoms.
I had the privilege of getting her support with some situations in my life that I can now see the big picture and now have clarity about. I am so grateful!"
Devani Freeman

"I have had the blessing, and the gift and honor to do multiple types of sessions with Jennifer. I've done 1:1's, Illumined Ones Course, and Leaders of Light.
It's been Life Changing!! Soul Changing!! and Illuminating!! The level of activation Jennifer is inviting into my system. Essentially, she helped me deeply remember who I am truly am. Who I am here to serve and why I am here. I just can't get enough of Jennifer Ashira Ra! " Mandalena Luz
Enter the Temple
Welcome to
2 - 70 minute
SESSION I - You will begin with your Soul Codes Initiation Ceremony
SESSION II - Immerse in your Soul Codes Activation Ceremony
This is a 2 Part Journey.
In a guided Ceremony, you will be Initiated
into your Soul Codes, dispensated by Source.
Then you will Activate your Soul Codes to realize the new gifts, wisdoms, rememberances, knowings and abilities in your life here and now.

Immerse in Your Private Initiation Ceremony connecting with the Your Souls highest Lineage and Original Light Codes. Open the sacred soul codes of your lifetimes.
RECEIVE your Divine Sovereign Initiation and next level upgrade and blueprint for your Souls Next level Evolution. You will be Guided by and Directly Connect to the Ascended Masters, Goddesses, Highest Councils of Light and Source.

"I am an Energy Healer, working with clearing karmic patterns. I heard of Jennifer and asked her to help me activate my Osiris lineage. I have known it is a part of me - I come from a family line of healers. But, wasn't sure. And I didn't know the next steps.
My Codes Initiation was so powerful. I immediately flew from my home in Morrocco to Egypt and travelled to Abydos/Osiris Temple.
The codes Jennifer opened have elevated my healing abilities to a level I have not experienced.
I now, have surpassed my previous energy healing work. It went to a new level. What Jennifer can open is not in any book. She is the real deal."
Youseff Devy

Check out Community members amazing Code Awakenings....
Journey within Your Private Soul Codes Activation Ceremony. The Physical Embodiment of Your Souls Highest Light Codes, Vision and Sacred Knowledge that Opened within your INITIATION.
ACTIVATE Your Eternal Knowing, Infinite Abilities,
New insights, Your Sacred Wisdoms and
Live your Highest Destiny.

Beloved I look forward to walking with you +
Witnessing who you truly are.
When You Initiate and Activate Your Sacred Soul Codes Lineage.
You will share your sacred soul gifts with your Community and the World.​
Your Soul has Led & Called You Here.
This Private Initiation + Activation is here for you.
Are You Ready to become who your Soul Is Calling you to Be?
Private Codes Initiation & Activation
2 - 70 Minute Ceremony Sessions
Is By Application Only.
Have Questions? CLICK HERE
And even more Results from our Community .....
"🥰 The channeled information has been so beautiful and original. Most of the wisdom from this Immersion I have never heard before and it all felt like the Truth!
The channeled activations have brought up deep sensing
remembrances of incarnations not only on this Great Planet but in other Star Systems also. 🥰
Blessed Be Sister
Allysen Krystina
"I have been called for a long time now, I just never understood my purpose, I was always SEARCHING for what it was.
now rather than searching, I feel an understanding. That I can go seeking for more knowledge, but i can also put it aside when I have to because now my mind is validated,
The anxiety and fear that comes from that drumming, vibration of "get going, come on, theres more," has finally gone away. "
Amy Caridi
"I’m noticing a huge leveling up in my path and offerings which is bringing me the greatest joy. In a way, it’s as though for the first time I’m crossing the threshold of a life lived that’s truly my destiny and design. What excitement!
... literally showed my for the first time in it's fullness, articulated in words, all that I AM ….remembered through you -- one day we need to deepen Into our {Egyptian} RA connection."
Tabea Arn


Jennifer is The Soul Light Code Activator, Coach + Channel. Activating over 5,150+ souls worldwide.
Jennifer walked away from her 7 figure clothing brand to follow her souls calling.
Jennifer helps Women and Leaders unlock their next level of greatness. activating their soul codes to embody their highest divine purpose + destiny.
Jennifers Soul Mission is to Activate Humanity's New Light Codes and the New Divine Feminine Leaders of New Earth.
"My Commitment is to You, and Activating what your soul is calling You to BE in the world!"
Founder of the Global Brand Light Priestess Temple,
Golden Inner-Circle Mastermind, Coaching + Mentorship, Code Activations, Courses and Trainings.
Jennifer travels to sacred sites activating the new Temples of light and gathering the Leaders of Light on Earth.
Her name means “Giver of Codes”.
She Embodies & Channels Source, Yeshua, the Divine lineages of Isis, Magdalene, Avalon, Sekhmet, Rose Lineage, The Highest Golden Beings of SunTribe and All the Councils of Light.
The Sacred Feminine, Sacred Union. And The Divine Mystery Schools of the Ages.